quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

Play is children's work

Play is children's work

Posted: October 26, 2016 - 3:53pm

Play is an essential part of childhood development and early literacy. Play provides children the opportunity to explore learned concepts further, try out new vocabulary, imagine and create the fantastical, collaborate with others, and practice storytelling; all while having fun!
There are multiple types of play. Constructive play involves building and creating objects that last beyond the actual playing (if the child chooses). This type of play usually involves props like LEGO® bricks, blocks, dough or clay, cardboard boxes, and even toilet rolls or paper towel rolls. Exploratory play includes activities that encourage children to use their physical selves, including their senses, to figure out how things work. Jumping in a pile of leaves or digging in the sand at the beach are two examples.
Dramatic play happens when children take on roles and act them out. Sometimes these roles are based on real life experiences and other times they are completely imagined. In dramatic play, children often use easily available props to stand in for objects and characters in the story they create. Puppets, stuffed animals, and dolls are common props in dramatic play, as are common household items repurposed to fit children’s needs.
In all types of play, open-ended opportunities are important. Open-ended play is undirected play with props that have multiple possibilities. At the library, families will find boxes of LEGO® and Duplo® bricks in a variety of colors that children can use to build whatever they imagine without rules to follow. During storytime, children are invited to experiment with a variety of art supplies or explore a sensory bin filled with dried beans and small treasures — often without a prescribed goal, which is a key aspect of open-ended play.


domingo, 23 de outubro de 2016

LANÇAMENTO DO LIVRO : EI! Estudar, Investigar e Intervir 25 Outubro 2016

25 de Outubro 2016 na ESE-IPP
Lançamento da publicação coletiva
 Maria José Araujo, Hugo Monteiro, Ana Bravo,
 Salomé Uribe e Teresa Martins (orgs)
EI! Estudar, Investigar e Intervir"  

uma publicação que resultou do trabalho desenvolvido com 
estudantes do Ensino Superior Politécnico, no âmbito 
do projeto "Aprender a Aprender" 
organizado pelo Grupo de Apoio ao Trabalho 
Académico G.A.T.A.

O debate estará a cargo dos professores:

 António Guedes da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto; 
João Teixeira Lopes do Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da UP 
João Arriscado Nunes do Centro de Estudos Sociais da UC


CHILD IN THE CITY Conference novembro 2016

Welcome to the 8th edition of the Child in the City Conference in Ghent

The 8th Child in the City conference will be held between 7 – 9 November 2016 at the University College in Ghent, Belgium. This international event is a joint project of the Child in the City Foundation and the European Network of Child Friendly Cities (ENCFC). Child in the City 2016 has the full support of our host, the city of Ghent. Read more >>

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